"Motivation is the simple act of trying something different so you can release the block that is holding you back."
Shelly Sweeney
Hello Friends!
As a Holistic Business and Solopreneur Coach, sometimes, I support clients towards motivation and the things that assist motivation.
As solo entrepreneurs, (Solopreneurs) our daily efforts, are invigorating, yet, challenges can be lonely and frustrating. Digging deep and offering ourselves support is imperative.
How do you get motivated?
10 tried and true ways:
1) Get clear on what to accomplish
2) Keep it simple. Choose and do one thing towards a goal. It can be a minuscule move. And that is ok. It counts.
3) Celebrate the wins
4) Allow myself to feel bad about the losses
5) Take breaks
6) Listen to music and or comedy
7) Read a list of accomplishments from the prior year
8) Laughter yoga… silly, yet a powerful endorphin release
9) Get outside
10) Breathe
Challenge: Find what works to motivate you, and please, if you feel inspired, share!
I'm here for you.
Motivate on my friends,
Solopreneur Coach
AKA the Beekeeper
Beeline Coaching, Advancing Solopreneurs towards their fullest potential. Together, we've got this.
PS We are proud to donate to pollinators with each coaching